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This is me. This is my story. It is going to be vulnerable, raw, intense, precarious, and most importantly; real. This blog is going to focus on mental health, relationships, healing, self-love, trauma--all of it. Writing is my scapegoat. It has gotten me the career I have now, it has helped me cope with my past, and is helping me heal for my future. Look at this as my virtual journal (even though I'd never let you see my physical journal... ever). I'm going to talk about all the ups and downs. All the good and the bad. All of the confusion and uncertainty. My life isn't pretty. It's far from it. I hope that this blog can shed some light on my challenges, and hopefully help you relate to my story; we all need a little relatability in our lives. Here we go. The unfiltered, unfettered me. 



I find it hard to talk about myself; so, I will try my best to have you, my readers, be able to have a better understanding of the person behind the computer screen. I am a loner yet find ultimate joy in having a girl’s night with my friends. I am the complete definition of an extroverted introvert. Silence and being alone are genuine enjoyments to me. I have a resting bitch face and seem cold, yet I have a huge heart for absolutely anyone. Being vulnerable is something that gives me complete uneasiness. I am extremely passionate and educated in sports. I’m a ‘bro’s’ girl. I prefer staying in rather than going out. I'd rather listen than talk. I paint my nails every other day because I obviously have commitment issues. My relationship is completely unorthodox. My room is always a mess; yet my closet is always colored coordinated. I probably swear way too much for my own good. I sing terribly but have no shame belting out some Celine Dion in the car. I'm obsessed with my cat, Bean. You will most likely find me in the corner, being anti-social at parties or in a big group setting. I enjoy being in my bed probably more than one is supposed to. I take 20 minutes daily to get into “My Zen” and to get in tune with my thoughts and emotions for the day. I absolutely am in love with the beach. My music choice depends on my mood; which changes hourly. You'll rarely see me dance, ever.. but I do enjoy it when I actually have the guts to do it. I am made for more.

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